No solid leads yet in Pitao killing

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – A multi-agency task force probing the killing of the 21-year-old teacher-daughter of New People’s Army leader Leoncio Pitao still has no solid leads on the case.

Sources said the task force still has nothing substantial in its investigation into the kidnap-slaying of Rebelyn Pitao, in spite of reports that some elements of the Military Intelligence Group and the Military Intelligence Battalion were allegedly involved in the incident.

Press Secretary Cerge Remonde said the order of President Arroyo for the military to fully cooperate in the probe remains.

“I understand (the military) will cooperate and is fully cooperating in the investigation by proper authorities on the Pitao case,” Remonde told The STAR in a phone interview.

Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has offered a P500,000 reward for information on Rebelyn’s killers.

The elder Pitao tagged four members of the Military Intelligence Group XI and the Military Intelligence Battalion under the Army’s 10th Infantry Division in his daughter’s killing last March 5.     – Edith Regalado

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