Two more Libyan truce monitors arriving

Marawi City — Two more Libyan nationals are expected to arrive and join the international team now in Mindanao monitoring the ceasefire between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

In a recent letter, Maj. Gen. Zulkifili Mohamad Bin Zain, who heads the monitoring team, informed the MILF, through its spokesman Eid Kabalu, that two members of the People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya are scheduled to arrive in the country and join their group. However, the date of arrival was not disclosed.

Zain cited the need to increase the number of team members from 60 to 64. Two are already assigned to the group’s office in Davao City.

The MILF agreed to the additional ceasefire monitors, saying it will boost the international team’s mobile groups assigned to different areas.

However, the MILF said a similar letter of request for the additional two members should be sent to the government peace panel, chaired by Silvestre Afable Jr., for its favorable action.

In asking for additional members, Zain cited the implementing guidelines of the monitoring team’s terms of reference which provide that the team shall be composed of 60 members, but which may be increased or decreased as may be agreed upon by all parties.

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