To break tie, 2 bets toss a coin

TARLAC CITY — Both are apparently popular and charismatic and have strong political mass bases. No wonder they tied the race for barangay chairman with 174 votes each.

But only one of them had to be declared the winner.

In what could be considered as one for the books, the local Commission on Elections (Comelec) office resolved the tie between Delfin Lacuesta, re-electionist head of Barangay Sto. Domingo here, and challenger Richard Tipay by, of all means, asking them to toss a one-peso coin.

The two agreed and entered into a "gentleman’s agreement," with poll officials and their constituents witnessing the event. Lacuesta chose heads and Tipay went with tails.

The result: Lacuesta won another term. Tipay congratulated him, and Edna Garcia, the Comelec’s city head, gave a thumbs-up.

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