Depletion of Boracay’s water resources averted

Boracay, one of the world’s best beaches, has been saved from a looming water resource crisis due to years of unabated digging of wells in the island, thanks to the new water supply system of the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA).

The Boracay Water Supply System has averted the depletion of the island’s scarce water resources which had been strained by the drilling of shallow and dug wells in search for fresh water.

The National Water Resource Board has began decommissioning the digging of such wells after recent studies showed that Boracay’s available groundwater resources have exceeded the actual groundwater withdrawal.

PTA general manager Nixon Kua cited a study by the University of San Carlos’ Water Resources Center showing that the continuous overdrawing of water from the wells had resulted in seawater contamination of the island’s groundwater resources.

A Boracay water resources assessment analysis showed that groundwater samples had an abnormally high chloride content, indicating contamination brought about by the overpumping of water in the island’s middle section.

"We were concerned about the possibility of the island’s water resources being depleted by years of digging shallow wells. That is why we fast-tracked the completion of the water supply project. With this project, we have made Boracay an even more attractive tourist destination," Kua said.

Kua said, "If the practice of digging shallow wells had continued, it would have resulted in the depletion of the island’s scarce water resources. With the water supply system project, the drillings of shallow wells are now things of the past. It will also prevent cases of water contamination in Boracay."

Meanwhile, the PTA is implementing socialized water rates to meet Boracay’s local economic conditions.

The PTA wants to make the potable water project available to both resort owners and local residents.

"This project is more than just about tourism development. It is also about making basic social services such as potable water within the reach of ordinary Filipinos. The absence of safe drinking water causes a lot of problems to people’s health and even to the environment," Kua said.

Under the water supply system project, the PTA installed pipelines that will pump potable water from the Nabaoy River to Boracay’s taps.

The water supply system is part of the Boracay Environmental Infrastructure Project being undertaken by the PTA and the Aklan provincial government through the Japan Bank for International Cooperation.

Other components of the project are the recently completed sanitation and sewage system and a solid waste disposal system which would prevent a repeat of the coliform scare which struck the island a few years ago, nearly crippling Boracay’s tourism industry.

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