Malampaya to have safety zone

President Arroyo and her Cabinet approved yesterday the issuance of a proclamation declaring an exclusion and safety zone around the Malampaya natural gas complex off Palawan to protect the $4.8-billion project from potential attacks by lawless groups like the Abu Sayyaf.

Presidential Spokesman Rigoberto Tiglao said the proclamation, which is still being drafted, will be issued prior to the commissioning of the natural gas complex this coming October. The project’s commercial operation begins January next year.

Tiglao said the exclusion and safety zone means that the government will prohibit the entry of vessels within a one-kilometer radius of the Malampaya platform, as well as aircraft flying below 500 meters and any subsea activity within the zone.

Tiglao said the Palace move was prompted by security concerns by the military and Department of Energy that the Malampaya complex "is in the middle of the sea." Marichu Villanueva

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