Puno urges government to come out with clear-cut film policy

Former Press Secretary Ricardo "Dong" Puno Jr. urged Malacañang yesterday to come out with a clear-cut policy on such films as the recently banned Live Show, with the end in view of doing away with censorship and instead strictly enforcing laws that will prohibit minors from watching movies classified for the mature audience.

"We hope that the government would conduct a thorough review of its policy concerning censorship and realize that the more viable solution lies on the rigid enforcement of regulations and laws that ban minors from viewing films that contain themes deemed too mature for their young minds to comprehend," Puno said.

He issued the statement following reports that Malacañang has ordered the appeals committee of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) to review Live Show and determine if there is basis to ban the film from public viewing.

Puno said he recognizes the legitimate concerns raised by Catholic Church leaders on issues regarding morality and the welfare of the youth, but also stressed that Filipino film artists should be assured of their constitutionally enshrined right to free artistic expression.

The Laban senatorial candidate said that this is why he is advocating the strict enforcement of laws banning minors from watching films like Live Show instead of outright censorship.

"We should not curtail the right of our Filipino film artists to express themselves but we must also draw the line when it comes to shielding our minors from watching films whose themes are too mature for them grasp," said Puno, who advocates open communication under his eight-point platform Puno ng Pag-asa para sa Masa.

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