3 nabbed for road rage killing

Initial reports said that Richard Tuazon and the owner of a black Toyota Innova figured in a traffic altercation on Rosario Bridge along Ortigas Avenue on Thursday. Witnesses said the gunman alighted from the Innova and shot Tuazon three times. File photo

MANILA, Philippines – The killing of a delivery van driver in a traffic altercation in Pasig City last week has been considered solved with the arrest of three people, a police official said yesterday.

Eastern Police District (EPD) director Chief Superintendent Elmer Jamias said the owner of a black Toyota Innova (APA 9824), his wife and another woman are under police custody.

Police have yet to release the identities of the suspects tagged in the killing of Richard Tuazon.

“We have in our custody the Toyota Innova and its occupants at the time of the road rage killing,” Jamias said.

Jamias declared the case solved although the Pasig police is still hunting down another suspect believed to be the gunman.

Initial reports said that Tuazon and the owner of the Innova figured in a traffic altercation on Rosario Bridge along Ortigas Avenue on Thursday.

Witnesses said the gunman alighted from the Innova and shot Tuazon three times.

Jamias said the testimonies of the witnesses led police to an RTW shop in Guadalupe, Makati City where they arrested the three suspects. They reportedly admitted they were in the car during the shooting and are helping the police to arrest the gunman.

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