GMA grateful to SC for holiday furlough

MANILA, Philippines - Former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo expressed gratitude yesterday to the Supreme Court (SC) for allowing her to celebrate Christmas and New Year with her family at her house in La Vista Subdivision, Quezon City.

“We are grateful to the SC for granting her Christmas and New Year furlough. The former President is happy that she can be at home with her family this Yuletide season,” Laurence Arroyo, lawyer for Arroyo, said.

“Hopefully, her health condition will somehow improve during the few days of furlough,” he added.

On Tuesday, the high court granted Arroyo holiday furlough from Dec. 23 to 26 and from Dec. 30 to Jan. 2, 2016.

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