Excited woman rams airport gate

Excited by the sight of her relatives, a woman rammed her Mitsubishi Delican van into the departure gate of the old Manila Domestic Airport yesterday morning, injuring three people.

Leolyn Lacson, 44, of Bacoor, Cavite, told police investigators that when she saw her relatives from Bacolod emerge from the airport’s arrival area, she accidentally stepped on the accelerator in her excitement.

The van rammed the railings of the departure area, which is a few steps away from the arrival area. Lacson said she was shocked by what happened. She reversed gears and got out of the van to check on the three people she hit.

Ninoy Aquino International Airport security chief Angel Atutubo identified the passengers as Rafael Maranas, 44, who sustained bruises on his knees; Wilma Rosinas, 37, who was rushed to the San Juan de Dios Hospital on Roxas Boulevard after glass shards hit her head; and Marvin Mantuhan, 13, who was brought to the airport clinic after sustaining bruises on his chin.

Airport and aviation police said they will file charges against Lacson, who maintained it was an accident and insisted that she will shoulder the cost of the damage and her victims’ expenses.

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