Police centers set up near Muntinlupa schools

The Muntinlupa City police has set up assistance centers in schools to assist enrollees and prevent crime incidents from taking place in these areas.

Superintendent Edgar Ferrater, Muntinlupa acting chief of police, said three major police assistance centers have been built near the Pedro E. Diaz High School in Alabang, the Muntinlupa National High School and the Itaas Elementary School, both located in Barangay Poblacion.

"Apart from the mobile policemen deployed in the three schools, barangay policemen and civilian volunteers referred to as Barangay Based Anti-Crime Groups have been detailed in almost all the schools in the city, including the privately-owned academic institutions," Ferrater said.

The police chief said that since enrollment is ongoing, school guards with the help of barangay police are closely monitoring presence of criminal elements engaged in snatching, holdup/robbery and even kidnapping in school zones.

He said they have listed 71 schools in the city — 48 private, one semi-private, 20 public schools, one vocational and one special school — that are subjected to strict monitoring.

Muntinlupa Mayor Jaime Fresnedi earlier coordinated with Ferrater on the measures the police force will to undertake in line with the preparation for the school opening on Monday.

The National Capital Region Police Office has also deployed members of its Regional Special Action Unit to help Muntinlupa’s policemen in securing not only schools but malls, banks and transport terminals. – Rhodina Villanueva

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