Lung Center probe left hanging?

Doctors of the Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP) have decried the mysterious and sudden leave of a Presidential Anti-Graft Commission (PAGC) commissioner last week without issuing a decision on their graft and plunder complaint against LCP executive director Dr. Fernando Melendres within his 90-day preventive suspension.

Dr. Sullian Sy-Naval, spokesman for the 14 LCP doctors seeking the dismissal of Melendres for alleged graft and numerous irregularities, said the sudden leave of PAGC Commissioner Cesar Buenaflor last Dec. 9 for an unknown reason was a big disappointment and source of frustration for her and her fellow "whistleblowers."

Naval’s co-complainants against Melendres were identified as Drs. Theresa Alcantara, Jose Pepito Amores, Vincent Balanag, Guillermo Barroa, Rey Desales, Norberto Francisco, David Geollegue, Benilda Galvez, Luisito Idolor, Victoria Idolor, Buenaventura Medina, Newell Nacpil and Raoul Villarete.

It was learned that Buenaflor went on a leave of almost one month. He will return on Jan. 6, Sy-Naval said.

Guillermo Madlang-awa, LCP Employees Association president, assailed the sudden disappearance of Buenaflor three days before the lapse of the 90-day preventive suspension of Melendres on Dec. 12.

"Although we believe in PAGC Chairman Dario Rama, Buenaflor’s sudden disappearance is making us lose faith in the PAGC and the claim of the administration of President Arroyo that it is waging a war against graft and corruption," Madlang-awa said.

It will be recalled that Malacañang had slapped a 90-day preventive suspension against Melendres last Sept. 12 during which the PAGC was ordered to investigate the recommendation of the LCP board of trustees, chaired by Health Secretary Manuel Dayrit, to dismiss the hospital chief.

The LCP board of trustees’ recommendation for dismissal came after an investigation into 16 complaints of graft and other irregularities allegedly perpetrated by Melendres. the complaints were raised by Naval’s group and group of hospital rank-and-file employees led by Madlang-awa.

The PAGC had been expected to issue a decision supposedly in favor of the complainants not later than last Thursday.

However, Naval explained that with Buenaflor’s sudden leave last Monday without issuing a decision on the case, nothing could stop Melendres from reassuming his post as LCP head.

In a follow-up call with Rama, Naval said the anti-graft chief told her and her fellow complainants that there was already a decision on Melendres case but Buenaflor failed to sign it before he went on leave.

Ironically, even Melendres has expressed his disgust with the PAGC and the government over the non-resolution of his case, saying this prevented him from clearing his name.

He reiterated that a thorough investigation into the allegations of his accusers will prove that they are baseless.

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