Drunk man kills nephew, hacks sisters

A jobless man ran amuck stabbed dead his 12-year-old nephew and hacked his two sisters before dawn Tuesday after having one drink too many in Caloocan City.

Police identified the suspect as Reyvan Janoras, 21, single, of 268 Dona Rita St., Caloocan. Investigation showed that the incident happened at around 2 a.m. at the suspect’s house.

According to police, a heavily drunk Janoras attacked his sisters, Reylyn, 22, and Lucilac, 20, and his nephew, Jade Cunanan, with a 17-inch knife.

Jade, Reylyn’s stepson, sustained a stab wound in his chest and another two in the left side of his body. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Martinez Memorial Hospital.

Reylyn sustained hack wounds in the head, neck, and left arm while Lucilac was hacked in the nape, left arm, and left side of her face. They are now undergoing medical treatment at the Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center.

Case investigator PO2 Jaime Basa of the Caloocan Police Station Investigation and Intelligence Division (SIID) said that Janoras had just come home from a drinking spree at a neighbor’s house when for unknown reasons, he suddenly went wild and began to attack family members with a knife.

Efren Cunanan, the 12-year-old victim’s uncle, managed to pacify Janoras and wrangle the weapon away from the suspect. Efren turned the fatal weapon over to the responding policemen.

Janoras is now detained at the Caloocan City police station detention cell. – Nikko Dizon and Jerry Botial

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