Demolition team raps cop trainee

CEBU, Philippines - Two members of the city demolition team has complained about a field training policeman who allegedly attempted to prevent them from driving away ambulant vendors from a sidewalk in the public market in barangay Centro Friday.

Jolly Andro Francisco and Rommel Patalinghug of the city demolition were assisted by city administrator James Abadia in lodging a complaint against PO1 Ever Anislagon, a field training policeman of the Centro Police station.

Abadia said he assisted the two men after telling him that Anislagon blocked their way when they tried to confiscate a cart loaded with fruits which was owned by vendors who were allegedly Anislagon's mother and brother on the sidewalk of the Shell Gasoline station.

Abadia said the city ordinance which forbids sidewalk and ambulant vendors from selling in the city's sidewalks is being implemented.

Most of these sidewalk vendors no longer stay near the vicinity of the Shall gas station except for the Anislagons who have alleged that the owner of the gas station allows them to continue selling in the vicinity.

But Abadia said despite the permission, the Anislagons still violates the city ordinance.

Before seizing the cart belonging to the Anislagon family, Francisco and Patalinghug sought police assistance.

PO1 Earl Famador said since Anislagon was detailed in the area, it was he who the demolition team sought assistance from.

However, when he saw his mother's cart about to be seized, he tried to get involved, explaining that the cart's owners have the permission of from the gas station owners to sell in the area.

The two men then went to Abadia.

Abadia hopes Anislagon won't get in the way the next time around because the city won't hesitate to file charges against him.

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