How to plan your holiday party, start with that LBD

MANILA, Philippines - Some people love throwing parties, while others are so daunted by the tasks involved in party-planning to even consider it. Not Jenni Epperson. The stylist/columnist/lifestyle blogger/loving wife/doting mother, and, most recently, author, considers entertaining one of her greatest joys — as if she didn’t have enough on her plate already. Fashion + Food is a collection of timeless tips and sage advice on putting together and enjoying little fêtes for every holiday and occasion, all in the comfort of your own home. Epperson tackles every aspect of having the perfect party — from donning amazing outfits to preparing pretty table settings and signature dishes. YStyle caught up with her to get her thoughts on making the most out of every celebration.

YStyle: You’ve come out with a really lovely book on year-round entertaining. How did this all come about?

JENNI EPPERSON: Writing a book has always been a dream of mine. What to write though, really just came to me when my blog started to gain speed. I realized that many women out there are like me, who want to make great and memorable occasions for their loved ones, and so the book’s concept was born.

The ideas in the book are very creative yet doable. What are the things that inspire you?

My family and friends! I am blessed to have a family that has a great dynamic and they’re always so open to try new things, especially when it comes to food. My friends also give me the motivation to keep life balanced and to keep the fashion and fun in my life.

You clearly love celebrating even the littlest events. What advice do you give people who feel it’s too much work to put a little party together?

My advice is to really keep things simple and personal. Keep it intimate. People don’t go to small parties looking for gourmet food or brand-new plates. They attend for the company, so make sure that no matter how simple a dish or a table setting, it represents you or your loved ones and they will appreciate it. Try new and out-of-the-box ideas like fun place cards, or a personal goody bag. They will be asking you when the next party is even before the one you’re having ends!

Tell us about the most unforgettable celebration you’ve planned.

It would be my daughter Aryanna’s first birthday. Not only did it mark the first family gathering that I’ve hosted, it was also the first of many parties that I put together in the years that followed. I didn’t want a party planner. Instead, I cooked and set up the entire thing from scratch. And, to top it all off, we used to live close to an orphanage, so I invited the kids from there to share in the celebration. It was a great way to celebrate and give back at the same time.

What are your go-to party outfits?

As clichéd as it sounds, pull out that LBD. The best palette for any event is a black dress. Put on a shiny evening jacket, killer heels, and accessories for anything nighttime, or dress it up with a belt in the daytime. When in doubt, polished and pulled together is always the way to go.

Top things for planning a party?

Who’s on the guest list, what you’re serving, and what you’ll be wearing. An impressive party isn’t about inviting the creme de la crème. It’s about making it fun for everyone, and making sure that everyone is in good company all night. Make a menu that is apt for the occasion and your prep time, because you can’t be slaving away all day in the kitchen. After all, you have to make room in your itinerary for hair and makeup. Lastly, wear something that makes you feel fabulous so that you can own the party with topnotch confidence.

What's something you can’t do without?

Something home-cooked or personalized. Many would resort to take-out or hiring a caterer to save time. Some would even leave it entirely to a party planner, and this is not a bad thing. However, something done from the heart, even with the smallest bit of effort, always makes an event special. Bake some cookies, or write a thank-you note by hand... If you don’t have time to set up a full party, just make sure that at least one thing in it will represent your earnest appreciation for their presence.

What’s the secret to a fabulous party?

Fashion + Food! Strike a balance. Style it up and make the food simple but sumptuous.

How do you deal with wallflowers, party-poopers, or obnoxious guests?

If a seat plan can be arranged, place them well. Wallflowers beside conversationalists or personal friends, party poopers and obnoxious guests close to you so you can politely and subtly attend and respond to them when needed. If a seatplan isn’t available, take the initiative to pay special attention to them. A good host never leaves anyone out, and never lets her other guests feel uncomfortable.

Christmas is two weeks away. Any tips you’d like to share?

Like I said in the book, it’s all about spending it with your loved ones and giving it that extra oomph. Don’t rely on the year-in, year-out traditions. Instead, do something new. Be it a new Christmas dessert or a new way of styling the tree, make it about each and everyone in attendance, and you can make new traditions for the many other Christmases in the years to come.

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Jenni Epperson Fashion + Food is available at National Book Store and PowerBooks.

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