The YS creative internships board

MANILA, Philippines - There’s no doubt about it: transitioning from college life to the “real world” is daunting. It’s especially scary if you want to join the creative work force. There won’t be professors guiding you every step of your creative process. There’s also the challenge of finding a place where your art style fits best. And more often than not, you will work with people you haven’t met before. It’s like freshman year all over again. And just like in freshman year, it’s best to stick with your crowd and explore your options together.

If you still want to test the waters of the working world, an internship with a company whose work you admire would be a perfect warm-up. It also doesn’t hurt if you choose a company you identify with in terms of style, culture and values. Whether you’re into taking carefully styled photos of your food or shooting fun music videos with your friends, there is a perfect group of creative kids who are waiting to have you onboard. 

Check out these fun companies and studios that offer a creative and collaborative experience for both college students and fresh graduates. And the best part is that young go-getters are in charge. Whoever said internships only mean getting coffee for your big, scary boss or scanning mounds of paper work from 9-5 clearly hasn’t looked in the right place. —Maine Manalansan

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