Do cheaters succeed?

Dear Mai Mai, China And Tingting,

I’m a senior high school student, hoping to be the valedictorian or salutatorian in our school. We just finished our third grading exams and I am upset that I saw one of those vying for honors actually cheating. She used a calculator and had a hidden paper with her, maybe the formulas. I’m angry with myself for not reporting it right when I saw her doing it because I believe it’s too late now. There are others who saw her but prefer to be quiet about it. What do you think? Is it too late? Is there something I can do now? I think I did well in the exams but it will really break my heart if she gets higher scores than me, and worst of all, if she gets the top award. She doesn’t deserve it and we know it. Should I squeal?

Seven Up

 Yes, it might be too late to report her now because you don’t have any proof. It doesn’t help that other witnesses don’t want to back you up. Because of this, I think that the best thing for you to do is work harder for the next grading period. Remember that there’s still the final term to worry about. Study harder for that. Make your grades very competitive so that your classmate will find it hard to catch up even if she cheats again. And if she cheats again, as she is likely to do, catch her in the act and report it immediately. One can cheat her way through passing a grade but can she cheat her way to getting an award? Your classmate must be very good if she’s able to accomplish that and your teachers not so good if they don’t notice this. In the end, your satisfaction will come from knowing that your classmates also realize how undeserving she is.


Personally, I would probably talk to the other student myself. I would choose a tactic that will suit my relationship with her, or how she is as a person. For example, if she’s a friendly person, I would talk to her nicely and try to convince her to turn herself in. It could be a long shot but she will have to bear that guilt. However, if she’s known to be catty, I would tell her what I saw, maybe point out that there were other witnesses and let her believe you will squeal on her. Not knowing what I would do next could be torture enough for her. Who knows? Convinced that you might truly report her, she might jump the gun and beat you to a confession. If you talk to her, you’ll have this small comfort: you know she’s a cheat, and more importantly, she knows that you know she doesn’t deserve any accolades that might come her way.


I don’t think it’s too late to report the incident. Although without proof it might turn out to be a "you said, she said" scenario, the teachers involved will be on the lookout for the "next time." Telling them now will be like warning them. Just be prepared to hear some nasty comments about you being a rat or you trying to destroy someone’s reputation for your own gain. These are all normal comments from people who do not know better. What is important is that you were wronged and there’s a need for you to be heard. Besides, if she is able to cheat, there is something wrong with the system and this affects all the other students as well. Work with your teacher on fool-proofing the system. If they didn’t believe you then, your persistence will convince them that your suggestions are geared towards ensuring that the scenario does not happen again. I am all for fighting for what you deserve. And if you’ve been a hard worker and worthy of the top honors, then you should go ahead and protect what you feel is rightfully yours.


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