Rock republic

Looking to jump on the rock style bandwagon yet wary of dipping into your brother’s armoire of leather and chains? If looking like a dominatrix isn’t quite up your alley, then breathe easy because there are more ways than one to gear up for the sweaty rock concert your friends have been raving about for the past six months.

While most consider natural musk and a ratty T-shirt perfect concert attire, you – in your immaculate blouse and high-heeled platforms – know better. Dressing in Kiss drag may keep the hooligans away, but it doesn’t quite meet with your current wardrobe standards. YStyle’s suggestion? Don’t throw out all the pretty lace things you’ve been stocking up on since the romantic trend came knocking on Zara’s doorstep. It’s not quite cost efficient to revamp your wardrobe once every few months. And drastically shifting styles every so often will leave many questioning your taste. If one minute you play the sweet pupil in pencil skirts and pastel cardigans and the next Goth’s handmaiden with black-tipped nails, raccoon eye makeup and distressed shrouds in wrinkly black linen, then you’re seriously dabbling in some bipolar sartorialism.

Style pundits are always quick to caution consumers never to purchase an entire look. It’s too trying hard and screams lemming. Instead, invest in a couple of accessories that you can incorporate into your wardrobe. As with any exercise in smart shopping always consider whether a pair of shoes or a belt with match your existing wardrobe staples. So while sky-high stacked lucite heels are cute, they’re more appropriate for a stripper than someone who doesn’t make a living giving creepy guys lap dances.

Matching wits with this madcap mix is for serious sartorialists who feel comfortable in looks more editorial than ready-to-wear. For the rest of us who can’t afford to totter around in five-inch heels and skintight leather pants, there are other alternatives. Let loose with a larger-sized top and skinny black jeans and accessorize with a large buckled belt. The contrast between the soft cotton blouse and the rough hewn belt adds a little edge. The same goes for those sweet lacey tops with embroidery or crochet detail. Paired with some cuffed shorts and a wide belt, it’s given an instant update.

Rock ‘n’ roll’s greatest revelers may have indulged in some metallic spandex during their heyday, but only the truly skinny can afford such skintight accoutrements. The next best thing? White drainpipe jeans add a dash of ‘80s rock along with seriously styling metallic platforms.

If there’s a message to all this mix-and-match jumble of trends, it’s that you don’t need to be hardcore to rock these looks. A couple of edgy accessories mixed with some feminine pieces make the look work both in and out of the rock concert. Capish?
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Irene’s Closet and Graxie are located at the Independent Lifestyles Section of Rockwell Power Plant Mall while Fibre is on the 2nd Floor of Nullah Building, Jupiter Street, Makati.

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