Bound for fun in Boracay

One of my favorite memories of Boracay back in high school were the long lazy days and the even longer chillax nights. On our very first trip there (pre-cellular phones and pagers era) all my girlfriends and I made a pact to leave all time-telling devices in the hotel room and go through our five days without any concept of time. We would wake up when we wanted, eat when we were hungry, and sleep when we couldn’t keep our eyes open. It was pure bliss, not to mention it was before the extreme commercialization of the island so there weren’t that many people and it was like our own private paradise.

Times have changed and while I still think of Boracay as my own personal paradise I now share that notion with half the population of Manila who, as faithfully as I do, make sure to be there at least once a year. I’m pretty routine when it comes to the time of year I head on over (after Holy Week, Halloween, or New Year). To renew my love for my little island, I always make it a point to do something new every time I go there, whether it be eating in a new restaurant, trying a new sport, or even something as simple as ordering a different flavored shake. It keeps Boracay alive and fun no matter how many times I go there.

This year was no exception. These days I usually just kick back and relax in Boracay having had my fill of strenuous sports there for a while. I’ve played frisbee, beach volleyball and wakeboarding and for awhile decided to just take it easy there and chill considering I already engage in sports back in Manila. I’ve sat back and cheered on others over the last year but only from the comfort of my beach chair with shake in hand. This year I decided to get off my lazy bum and try my hand at some fun sportsmanlike beach competition and San Miguel Boracay Bound 4 with Nike Timing from L Time Studio gave me the perfect opportunity to do just that.

For four years running now, Stephen Ku and Eventscape have continuously put together the must-go-to post Holy Week beach bash, Boracay Bound 4. From volleyball to live concerts to awesome parties they always present a mélange of fun activities that bring together all sorts of kickass people for three fun-filled days. This year along with Nike Timing, incredible for their adorable Presto watches and newly released Cuffs, Boracay Bound 4 challenged their spunky competitors (ranging from models, writers, DJs, executives, beach bums, you name it!) to a fun-filled adventure relay race with awesome Nike watches as the grand prize. Believe me, we were all in it to win it!

Three teams – Smart AMP, San Mig Light, and (my team) the Nike Timing team battled it out in front of Cocomangas in various tasks ranging from a kayaking challenge, to a water pistol fight, to downing bottles of San Mig Light and four balut eggs (which, thank God, I didn’t have to do), to digging through the sand, to finally popping as many balloons as our buns would let us. It was a lot of fun and full of camaraderie (with some healthy competition, of course) with lots of bloopers and laughs along the way. Unfortunately, we didn’t win but we sure had a heck of a lot of fun trying. The champions, Team San Mig Light, blazed through the tasks and slid on brand new Nike watches for their efforts.

As for me, when the relay was over, I slid back into my favorite beach chair to watch the sunset, happy to resume my beach bum status and glad I got to do something exciting and new in my favorite place to be. It was incredible fun on my favorite white sands with lots of amazing people, good memories, and hilarious games. Seriously, what more could one ask for?

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