It was the Summer Of 2003

I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it again: There will never be another summer like the summer of 2003.

It was about love in a time of war and SARS (with apologies to Gabriel Garcia Marquez). Against a backdrop of such tragedy and terror love does shine a lot more brightly, doesn’t it? Just as happiness becomes more meaningful when it is least expected.

It was about hanging out with new friends and hoping they’d get along with your old ones – and though disaster can occur when you do so, at least you find out who your true friends are in the end.

It was about anticipating a super typhoon in April that never came, and then welcoming an even bigger typhoon in June that was hardly expected. And the rain washed away the summer’s sweat and tears.

It was about me celebrating my birthday on someone else’s birthday, and when my day finally came I found myself in a karaoke joint called Scenario in Palawan, on a working assignment on a weekend, surrounded by complete strangers, singing The Beatles’ In My Life at the stroke of midnight. At that moment I truly felt born again.

It was about staying in Manila during Holy Week and flying off to Boracay right after Easter. A new tradition called San Mig Light’s Boracay Bound (by Eventscape), it was the post-Holy Week party to presage all the coming summer parties, replete with volleyball, fashion, celebrities, games, music, and, what else, beer!

It was about getting a tan while slapping on a little more sunscreen, about trying to get work done while relaxing, about staying clever while acting silly, about being young while feeling older.

So that even if you enjoyed every moment of the summer, when it’s finally over you’re glad it’s over.

Because summer is about getting the best out of the most fleeting season of all. And being ready – and willing – when the rain falls.

Buen viaje
to mis amigos para siempre Erich Edralin and Miko Valenzuela, as they embark on a fabulous flamenco tour Spain. Hasta luego!
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