WATCH: 'Sweet but scary' World of Frozen ride

HONG KONG — World of Frozen, the world’s first ever and so far only “Frozen”-themed park in the world, officially opened to the public last Monday, November 20, in Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

Deep in the Arendelle village, beneath the iconic clock tower in Clock Tower Square, guests will find the entrance to Disneyland’s first ever Frozen Ever After – a marvelous boat ride through the North Mountain that leads to Elsa’s Ice Palace. 

The boat ride is filled with music, laughter, and family-friendly excitement. Guests journey through the North Mountain, where they will have the chance to see Elsa's magnificent Ice Palace and join in the joyous festivities of Summer Snow Day with the royal family and the Arendelle’s community, thanks to Elsa's magical powers.

While waiting to embark on the journey, guests are surrounded by festive lights mingling with the sparkle of icicles, as well as the lyrical sound of the town's chamber folk group with sweet and spirited arrangements of the royal family's favorite tunes on the way to the Royal Dock.

As guests leave the harbor, they drift through a snowy forest transformed by Elsa. Olaf and Sven greet guests with excitement! Olaf looks into the eyes of the guests and sings “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” for them.

The boat then comes to the Troll Valley. Several young trolls gather around Pabbie Troll and entreat Pabbie to tell them their favorite story one more time. After passing through the Troll Valley, guests begin to hear “Vuelie” sung by the Arendelle chorus and see the Ice Palace standing from afar. The boat starts to ascend toward the Ice Palace, as if pulled by Elsa’s magic. It then passes through a grotto beneath the Ice Palace and crests the top of the North Mountain.

An enormous sparking snowflake made by Elsa welcomes guests to the Ice Palace. Olaf then happily skates and sings “For the First Time in Forever” and greet guests into Elsa’s Ice Palace. Anna and Kristoff also sing their own version of “For the First Time in Forever,” with Kristoff playing his lute as an accompaniment. Their friend Sven is there too, with his tongue stuck to a banister.

After a bend, glittering doors of the Ice Palace open. There, Elsa stands atop a balcony, singing “Let It Go” and sharing her Ice Magic. Whimsical snow formations appear and disappear, while Elsa’s reflection glistens within the ice walls.

Elsa plays some more Ice Magic powerfully and energizes the guests’ boat to leave the palace through a dense foggy portal. The boat then emerges on top of a snowy mountain ridge, where guests will see the enormous Marshmallow, the largest denizen of the North Mountain, with many smiling Snowgies around him. Marshmallow then sends a mighty blast of cold breath their way, as he roars, “Let it goooooo!!!”

The boat then splashes down into the Bay of Arendelle, where guests can see the sky filled with gorgeous snowflake-shaped fireworks made from Elsa’s Ice Magic with a grand musical arrangement of “For the First Time in Forever” playing in the background.

After the fireworks, the boat drifts lazily back into the harbor. Olaf, standing on a pile of snow, together with Anna and Elsa who are holding hands with love, sing “In Summer” in beautiful harmony for the guests as the ending of this delightful journey.

During the journey, there will be surprises like a backward and forward plunge down short waterfalls, and you may get wet. This attraction is not suitable for expectant mothers. Guests must transfer from wheelchairs.

Those who tried the “boat ride with a surprise” at the press preview described it as a combination of “sweet” and “scary.” This surprise, said Hong Kong Disneyland Managing Director Michael Moriarty, was his most favorite experience in World of Frozen. — Video by Deni Bernardo


Editor's note: The trip to World of Frozen was hosted by Disney. At no stage does the host organization has a say on the stories generated from the coverage, interviews conducted, publication date and story treatment. Content is produced solely by following editorial guidelines.

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