What is one good thing that’s worth fighting for?

Life is a balance. There are good as well as bad times. As they say, when great things come to us, enjoy it; create happy memories we can always look back on and be grateful for. And for the bad times, we just have to go with the flow, pray hard and face things,  knowing that this, too, shall pass.

As we get older our priorities change and we realize that there different things and events in our lives that are really worth fighting for. But whatever this is, we all have the right to choose that one good thing we feel is worth fighting for as long as it does not hurt anyone, will be good for the greater majority and will make our Lord happy.

Read on as personalities share with us that “one good thing” worth fighting for.

Bess Howe, PR director, Campaigns and Grey

When I received your question yesterday, I was in the middle of screening applicants for a scholarship project. Lack of education and the poverty of many Filipinos has always  been a burden for me. I’m a true believer that with proper education for everyone, we will be able to take ourselves and our country in the situation that we are in.

The students we met brought us to tears. They are the poorest of the poor but have big dreams and are doing everything they possibly can to finish their degrees and uplift their families from poverty. So, I guess one good worth fighting for, for me, is a good education for every Filipino.

Abigail Valte, deputy presidential spokesperson, Office of the President

One good thing worth fighting for is the future of our children. I serve in government to give back to our country. It also allows me, in little ways, to contribute to changing the system to better my son’s future. I sleep soundly at night knowing that serving the people, no matter how challenging, will have a tangible impact not just on the future of my son but also on that of many children of his generation.

Saab Magalona-Bacarro, actress

Education. Because a lot of the bad things happening to our world are caused, not necessarily by evil, but by ignorance.

Mikael Daez, actor/TV host

Love! At the end of the day, your thoughts and attention come back to those you love. They keep you going and keep you happy. Can’t live without ‘em.

Lauren Young, stage actor

Your rights. We all have a right to want what we want. As long as tama yung ginagawa mo and you aren’t hurting anyone in the process, then by all means one should continue to fight for their rights.

Jasmine Curtis-Smith, actress

One good thing in this world that’s worth fighting for is your passion — whether it be love, craft, philanthropy or just life itself — because I think this is how you feel alive, this is how you become you.

Stella Quimbo, professor, UP School of Economics

I think that a fair society for our children is worth fighting for. When rules are fair (e.g., taxes are equitable, work compensation is just, equal opportunities exist for girls and boys), conflict is minimized, relationships are harmonious, and effort can be properly rewarded. This is the kind of happy place that I want for my children.

Jeremy Guiab, furniture designer and maker

Children are the one and only thing in this world worth fighting  for.

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