Help, I might lose my job

Dear Nanay,

I am a professional manager in one of the prestigious companies in Makati.  I think that I am in danger of losing my job because it looks like they are hiring a new person who will take over our department. I am afraid that my position will not be needed anymore.  What should I do to protect myself?


Dear Stressed,

First of all, it does not sound like you are necessarily in danger of losing your job. Just because the company is hiring a new person to take over the department does not necessarily mean people in the department will be let go of.

Instead of just being stressed, I think you should try to relax and not think about the possibility of losing your job. That will only make you even more stressed. Instead, you should think positive and look at this as an opportunity to make a great impression on your new boss.  Ipakita mo ang kaya mo! (Show them you can do the work). Work even harder than before! With change and a new boss comes new opportunity. Make sure you take advantage of it!



Education matters

Dear Nanay,

I read the letter you received from Maricris about spending money on education and suddenly had a flashback from my youth.

My parents are middle class professionals, and even if we always had enoughfor food, we were never rich by any stretch of the imagination. But the one thing my parents had always believed in was education and they would sacrifice everything for my brother and I, just so we could study in the best schools possible.

Well, I would like to think that all that sacrifice paid off because I am now an engineer and my brother will be graduating from college this year hopefully magna cum laude. And every time we talk about the sacrifices our parents made for our education, they always tell us that, without question, it was worth it. They’re just so proud of us and are so happy that they did everything they could to bring us where we are now.

So for you, Maricris, I think it should not be any different.  The joy and pride that the accomplishments of your children will bring you will be enough to offset any sacrifices you have to make today.  It was good for my parents. I know it will be good for you. And needless to say, it will be good for me as I, too, would do the same for my children. NINA

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