BonChon's new moves

MANILA, Philippines - When South Korean-based franchise BonChon finally opened in Manila in October last year, fans who had enjoyed it in cities like New York were happy to wait in long lines for a taste of that delicious soy garlic double-fried chicken.

Months later, you’d think those lines would dissipate, but BonChon has found a strong following here, and will have 11 branches total by the beginning of next year.

BonChon hosted an informal lunch at their Greenbelt 1 branch recently to discuss their new initiatives, arriving just in time for the holidays.

First was the introduction of their Big BonChon Box, ideal for takeout and delivery, with a choice of either 50 wings or 32 chops (or fillets of white meat from the breast), at the price of P1,395.

Marketing manager Andrea See also said gift certificates in denominations of P200 and P500 were now available, should one wish to give them as gifts for the season.

See also talked about their delivery service later this month. While the details are still being worked out, individual branches will be able to service their respective areas, which will be sure to please the office worker who always draws the short straw and has to pick up everyone else’s order.

BonChon also offered recent additions to their menu, such as their chapchae, bulgogi rice, and fish tacos. While I tried to go for as many wings as I could, the chapchae was surprisingly heavy and filling and I didn’t even make it to the fish tacos.                  

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