A Berry star-studded event

Shanghai City is an emerging tourist destination renowned for its historic landmarks such as the Bund and Xintiandi. Its ever-expanding Pudong skyline includes the Pearl Oriental Tower, which looks like a structure from outer space, and other futuristic developments that can lay clay claim to all the superlatives one can think of — the biggest, tallest, fastest, and widest. Its fast-growing reputation as a center for culture and design is only surpassed by its reputation as the largest center of commerce and finance in mainland China. It has been described as the “showpiece” of the world’s fastest-growing economy.

I feel so at home in this Imperial City of China. It is for me an eclectic mix of old and new. Images of the inscrutable Orient, of opium dens and dark alleys, of porcelain-skinned Suzy Wongs in dimly lit bars plying their trade and hundreds of cyclists in Mao black pajamas are a thing of the past. Today, Shanghai is a true millennium city, so cosmopolitan in a lot of ways but still with that unmistakable stamp of old China.

Last week I was invited to the 12th Shanghai International Film Festival by one of its movers and shakers, Ms. Yue Sai Kan. The story goes that 23 years ago, there was only the Shanghai TV Festival. Kan at that time was a rising TV star in the USA where her TV series, One World and Looking East, were televised via cable all over China. She was invited to host the Shanghai TV Festival because of her growing popularity in China. Then, 12 years ago, the people in the industry decided to merge the TV festival with film, which is why today there is the Shanghai International Film Festival. Kan helps organize the event by inviting big Hollywood stars, many of whom are her friends.

This year the celebrities who graced the festival were Oscar awardee for Best Actress Halle Berry; Andie MacDowell, who was a jury member; Danny Boyle, Oscar-winning Best Director for Slumdog Millionaire, who headed the jury; talented composer and artist Quincy Jones; Clive Owen, who was promoting his film Duplicity (with Julia Roberts); Peter Fonda, known for his film Easy Rider; Italian actress Maria Grazia Cucinotta, who was the Cigar Girl in the James Bond film The World is Not Enough with Pierce Brosnan; Caterina Murino, another Italian actress who played a leading role in the Bond film Casino Royale with Daniel Craig; Japanese actress Komaki Kurihara; Chinese actresses Joan Chen and Vivian Wu (both played wives in The Last Emperor, the film epic of Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci; and a host of producers and directors from Europe and Asia.

Dinner With The Bond Girls

The first event that kicked off the festival was a party for a hundred people at the posh residence of Ms. Kan. There were TV crews from Shanghai’s major stations and newscasters to interview the stars that arrived. All the big names I mentioned earlier were there, including Fashion TV founder Michael Adams. The celebrities were so gracious, allowing themselves to be interviewed and posing with all the guests. My favorite of all was Halle Berry. There was something very charismatic about her — she had that rare combination of beauty, brains and spirituality. I asked her how it felt to be voted the sexiest woman on earth, and she quipped, “A lot of pressure when I leave the house!” Then she continued, “The shell we walk around in is not important. I would like to think that there is more to me than my shell. I would like to be known for my artistry and my talent, which I am constantly working on. Every new movie I make is a learning experience.”

There were three Bond Girls that evening — Halle Berry (Die Another Day with Pierce Brosnan), Caterina Murino and Maria Grazia Cucinotta. All three admitted that being in a Bond movie was a career highlight.

The most sought-after man by the Chinese media was Danny Boyle because of Slumdog Millionaire, which garnered eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. Every media person in Kan’s residence wanted an interview with him.

Red Carpet Evening

The evening started with a pre-event cocktail at the Shanghai Art Museum. The men were in black tie and the ladies were dressed to the nines. It was like a fashion show among the ladies in their designer gowns. Many had interesting back details — some with very bare backs. Jojo Zabarte and I stayed with Kan at the VIP room of the museum where the celebrities stayed. We enjoyed chatting with them till our names were called to ride the transport that was taking us to the red carpet event at the Shanghai Grand Theater. It was the longest red carpet I saw in my life. We had to walk solo the entire length with the TV cameras rolling. The next day, most of our friends in Shanghai called to say that they saw us on TV. It was a surreal experience, if I must say so. The walk with all the fans screaming (whether they knew me or not) makes one feel like a deity, at least for that moment.

The ceremonies went on without a hitch. Danny Boyle gave a speech as head of the jury. Halle Berry, in her ice-pink Marchesa gown, accepted an Outstanding Film Contribution Award. It was over in an hour and 45 minutes. The Mint Club hosted a party after the ceremonies for all the celebrities and guests. A few of us, including the Hollywood stars, were hosted at M on the Bund, a reputable restaurant known for its fine cuisine.

Over the next few days, the judges will watch all the films that are in competition and I heard MacDowell saying that they would have to watch three films a day. June 21 will mark the closing ceremonies when the outstanding films will be awarded.

The experience of being with showbiz people makes you realize that the movie business is where their heart and soul belongs and the energy that they put into their artistry is a lifetime learning process. It is their passion and their love and we have to admire and thank them for the enjoyment their art gives us.

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