
We’re not tree-huggers but every once in a while, we enjoy nice, quiet time with earth’s green wonders (the ones with trunks). Only God can make a tree — and we men marvel at them. We cut them down, turn them into paper to print the Star on. Some of us — they’re called vegetarians (and beavers) — eat trees. We use trees to make furniture. And pipes — to enjoy god’s other green wonders. We love trees — so much so that we’ve made them central to one of mankind’s biggest celebrations, Christmas. Yes, to many of us Christ’s birthday has been overtaken in importance by Hallmark, malls, and traffic, but one look at a Christmas tree reminds us all what this season’s about: killing trees for our benefit — I mean, the... majesty... of life.

Writer Joseph Campbell once said, “God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying, ‘Ah!’” Trees remind us of our place on earth; they put life into perspective; and if you listen closely, you might hear them say, “That’s hot,” referring, of course, to global climate change.

The point is, this Christmas, look at the tree you have at your house — make sure your lights don’t explode, though. Remember that Christmas is not about greed and consumerism. Christmas is about life and basic truths — kindness, generosity, and love. And this year, global climate change, too. And vegans.

Anyway. We do subscribe to different truths; we all find happiness and fulfillment  in different places. In the Spirit of Christmas giving gaga, we decided to shoot a Supreme spread with trees of a different nature. These represent the girls who will continue on in hopes of becoming America’s Next Top Model different aspects of Christmas. May you find your Christmas under these trees.

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