INFOGRAPHIC: Is your 3+ toddler getting ‘Todo’ nutrition for growth and protection? Here’s a helpful guide

3+ Toddler & Preschool Years are especially critical stages for the development of your child’s brain and body. This is why parents should give their children all the help they need.
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MANILA, Philippines — Toddler & Preschool Years are critical stages in your child’s early development. It’s when they are particularly curious about and inexhaustibly active in their surroundings.

While it comes with hardships, all of these are necessary, especially when they lead to precious moments. No parent would trade any of it for anything else in the world, because they are not going to get another time like this.

3+ Toddler & Preschool Years are especially critical stages for the development of your child’s brain and body. This is why parents should give their children all the help they need for optimal development. A large part that contributes to this process is their diet and nutrition.

Todo support your child’s necessary nutrition during toddlerhood with this infographic brought to us by NIDO® 3+ and NIDO® 5­+, as part of its Toddler ExperTips campaign.

‘Todo Protect’ Your 3+ Toddlers & 5+ School-Age Kids

For nutrient-filled and age-appropriate milk for your 3+ toddlers and 5+ school-age kids, choose NIDO® 3+ and NIDO® 5+.

As growing-up milk expertly made for children aged 3 to 5, NIDO® 3+ and NIDO® 5+ are the only milk with LACTOBACILLUS PROTECTUS®, a probiotic that is scientifically proven to help support your child’s respiratory defense and protect them against pathogens that cause common cough and colds. This is exactly what our children need right now! NIDO® 3+ also has 50% more Vitamin A, C, E, and Selenium compared to the formulation – giving you todo protection with 3 balanced meals.

NIDO® 3+/ NIDO®  5+  are also ‘pinatodo’ with digestion, brain, and overall growth nutrients with PREBIO®3 Fiber, DHA, and all the essential vitamins & minerals critical for growth compared to the previous formulation. What’s more, it also has no added sucrose or any form of table sugar but contains lactose. So your child is able to get all the benefits of milk without the negative effects of sugar.

NIDO® 3+ and NIDO® 5+ are made ‘Nutritodo’ for children. That’s why you get todo value, making it the #1 milk for children 3 to 5 years old with 3 balanced meals.

If you want to learn more about Toddler ExperTips on nutrition and parenting, watch the video below:


For more information, tips, and live master classes, follow NIDO® 3+ at

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