How to lose the post-holiday weight

MANILA, Philippines - After the most wonderful time of the year that the Christmas season brings comes the realization of just how much we ate over the holidays. So, we make a resolution that when that ball drops on New Year’s Day, we’d swear off all that junk food, go on a diet, and lose all the weight we’ve gained. But the sad fact is most of us break this resolution within days of its conception.

We often turn to quick fixes, crash diets, and tend to take in more than we can. We have to resign ourselves to the fact that there’s just no easy way to lose weight. It takes a lot of hard work and a lot of discipline to get to the goal that we set on the dawning year, but that doesn’t mean that we should throw in the towel. There are a number of ways to build habits that could lead to a slimmer you and we should all learn by taking baby steps.

Start small and build from there. Start going on a 30-minute walk every day and build up to jogging, gradually increasing the duration or distance when you feel you can push yourself further.

Take a look at your diet and keep the essentials, but build in cheat days to reward yourself; that way you don’t feel so deprived. It’s also good to remember that we’re in it to watch the calories we take in, but while cutting calories, we might miss out on vital nutrients our body needs on a daily basis. It is important to get your daily requirement of vitamins through consuming fruits, vegetables, and supplementing your food intake with a multivitamin to guard against vitamin deficiencies.

For instance, GNC Mega Men is packed with 39 essential vitamins and minerals. It is the only multivitamin specially formulated for men. It comes from the world’s largest specialty retailer and provider of information, products, and services in the self-care and personal enhancement market, GNC, which means you get only quality products with guaranteed potency to keep you powered and raring to go as you pursue your goals this year.

Customers can also enjoy the benefits of GNC Mega Men, along with any diet product, at 25% off through GNC’s Fit and Fab promo which also gets you a free calorie pedometer and a chance to be one of the 30 to win an Omron Body Fat Monitor. Head on to any of GNC’s 38 branches and take advantage of this great deal to help you lose the holiday weight.



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