Boning up with Dr. Frank Detabali

MANILA, Philippines - Sticks and stones may break one’s bones, but a specialist can undo the harm and hurt caused by an accident, injury or debilitating disease.

Take arthritis, for example. Today, many people afflicted with this illness have given up hope of being cured and resorted to endless medication. Dr. Frank Detabali, a dedicated orthopedic surgeon, thinks otherwise. “Arthritis is not a dead-end disease,” he tells us. “For arthritis patients, the trend nowadays is to make them move with ease and regain normal function without pain.”

The operative words are “to walk normally without pain.” Indeed, why rely on lifetime medication when a patient can be cured through a much faster, effective way, as attested to by patients who have undergone treatment with Dr. Detabali?

Healthy bones are Dr. Detabali’s business and his area of specialization covers bone problems like trauma, fracture, accidents, hip knee and joint replacement, the latter favorable to arthritis patients who look forward to a normal lifestyle again.

Dr. Detabali, a licensed practitioner, graduated from the Perpetual Help University and had advanced training at the Philippine Orthopedic Center. He is currently the resident specialist at the De Los Santos Medical Center.

Dr. Detabali’s profession involves the use of stretching and tugging at limbs to address certain bone problems. To perform orthopedic correction, he must be physically powerful, which is why he regularly works out at the gym. The bone doctor exercises vigorously thrice a week at Star Samson, a hardcore fitness center that is the gym of choice of many bodybuilding and power-lifting champs and the health-conscious.

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