Search for the Best CSR Program

MANILA, Philippines – If indeed health is wealth, then companies would do well to ensure the wellness of their human resource capital by making it a matter of front-line corporate social responsibility (CSR). Healthway Philippines, the country’s leading primary and specialty healthcare provider, is sponsoring the Best Health CSR Program Award to develop and advocate a more employee-centered CSR approach, in partnership with the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP), the leader in the science and art of human resource management.

The partnership, now in its third year, will have Healthway help PMAP identify and improve health-benefits packages through the CSR program by redefining the employee-health programs enforced by different companies. Grace Abella - Zata, PMAP president, says, “We are grateful that private companies like Healthway support our advocacies.”

 The awarding will be held at the opening of PMAP’s annual convention on Sept 23.

 Carmie de Leon, Healthway vice president for marketing and sales, says, “We are now in our third year as partners for improved healthcare benefits to the Filipino workforce, and this makes us in Healthway very proud. We will further press on living a healthy lifestyle and preventive healthcare.”

Since its inception in 1997, Healthway Medical has earned a reputation in the Philippines for its excellence in delivering primary and specialty care through an integrated delivery system that is technology- and physician-driven. A member of the international group of healthcare companies under the GenRx Healthcare Group (a division of HKR International Limited, Hong Kong), Healthway’s network of clinics offers a unique one-stop-shop setting where services of experienced doctors are complemented with complete laboratory and diagnostic facilities.

PMAP is a professional, non-stock, not-for-profit organization of over 1,800 member companies and individual management executives engaged or interested in human resource management (HRM) and industrial relations (IR) work. Established 50 years ago, PMAP carries on the tradition of its founders in advancing the profession, the science, and the art of human resource management.

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