Kimchi Day: How to make Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi 

MANILA, Philippines — With the dominance of Korean dramas on streaming platforms, many Korean food have become as popular as South Korea's actors and singers. 

Kimchi has arguably become synonymous to South Korea, that fermented vegetable dish that is included as a staple banchan (side dishes) in every Korean meal. Thanks to their prominent feature in countless hit Korean dramas and movies. 

The Korean Cultural Center held a Kimjang (Kimchi-making) workshop last November 29 to celebrate Kimchi Day, which falls on November 22 this year. 

“This unique Korean culture embodies the communal spirit of gathering with families and neighbors during the winter season, in sharing and supporting each other to make kimchi,” said Lee Eunhwa during her opening remarks.

Lee is the wife of the South Korean ambassador to the Philippines. She was joined by members of the ASEAN Ladies Foundation (ALF). 

Here is a recipe on how to make your own kimchi at home. — Video by Kathleen A. Llemit, editing by Martin Ramos

Baechu Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi)


5kg salted napa cabbage
600g radish
1/2 pear
150g mustard leaves
150g spring onion
300ml congee
500 ml chili powder
200g minced garlic
40g finely chpped ginger 
150ml anchovy sauce
70g salted shrimp
100g fresh shrimp(optional)
2 tbsp. sesame seed
1/5 tsp. sweetener


How to prepare salted napa cabbage:
1. Rinse the pickled cabbage with running water about three times to remove the salt, then turn over on a strainer to drain them.

How to make stuffing for Kimchi:
1. Shred radish and pear into 2mm thick slices.
2. Cut the green onions and mustard leaves into 4-cm-long pieces.
3. Wash raw shrimp in light salt water and drain them.
4. Grind garlic, ginger, raw shrimp and anchovy sauce in a blender, then add the rest of the prepared ingredients and mix them evenly.
5. Put the stuffing between the cabbage leaves, surround it with outer leaves, and put it in a container so that the cross section is up.
6. Mature in a cool place for 2-3 days and refrigerate.

Pickled Napa Cabbage


6kg napa cabbage
3L water
450g salt


1. Cut cabbages in half.
2. Dissolve half amount of the salt in water to make salt water.
3. After soaking cabbage in salt water, sprinkle salt between the cabbage stems. Pickle cabbages for 4-5 hours.

Anchovy Broth


8g anchovy
8g kelp
2.5 cups water


1. Put kelp and anchovies in cold water and boil them over low heat.
2. When the water starts to boil, take out the kelp.
3. Boil it for about 15 minutes more and remove the anchovies.

Glutinous Rice Congee


350CC anchovy broth
2 tbsp. glutinous rice powder


1. Boil glutinous rice powder with prepared anchovy stock over medium low heat. 
2. Cook glutinous rice until it becomes transparent and thick.

RELATED: Captain Ri’s noodles and other vegetarian K-drama recipes


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