LIST: 5 ways you can build confidence through self-care

For the moments when we doubt ourselves and feel overwhelmed, apply much-needed self-care to balance things out. Esquivel

MANILA, Philippines — The ever-changing landscape of today’s modern world comes with modern pressures and anxieties. Even as we do our best in striving to get ahead, we need to face these challenges.

For the moments when we doubt ourselves and feel overwhelmed, apply much-needed self-care to balance things out. Here, we list down some of the things that can do just that.

1. Keep healthy

Whatever hurdle is ahead, remember that your physical health shouldn’t pay the price. There’s a truth to the body being the proverbial “temple” that we should maintain. Anticipate a hectic week by stocking on health food to make sure you’re not skipping meals.

When you can, get moving. Even as little as 10 to 30 minutes a day can make a world of difference in terms of exercise.

2. Learn to say ‘no’

The world tends to glorify a yes-man, but this isn’t always as good as some people think. Learn not to nod at everything just for the sake of likeability. Spare your participation for things that are truly worthwhile.

The more you recognize your limits and boundaries, the easier it gets to respond to them. Restraint is key. Which leads us to the next pointer.

3. Say your affirmations

When feeling down in the dumps, you can rely on yourself to regain a positive mindset. In this regard, self-affirmations are inspirational statements and reminders that reinforce one’s sense of self. Positive affirmations are proven to promote and protect overall selfhood—physical and emotional.

4. Find some ‘me time’

The idea that being alone automatically equates to being lonely should be retired, and instead should be welcomed. According to experts, solitude is good because it helps improves one’s relationships, creativity, and confidence. It can even help regulate our emotions.

The next time you’re feeling insecure about dining, watching a movie, or going shopping alone—don’t. It’s okay to get some alone time in order to recharge.

5. Skin care regimen

If nothings else, a good skin care regimen is an effective way to round the process of self-care. Cleanse, moisturize, hydrate, take supplements, and get enough sleep. Do all of these and feel good inside and out.

You can also add in your skin care regimen Myra, which has expanded its product lineup with Myra Face, Myra Body, D-Alpha Tocopherol (Myra E) and the newest Astaxanthin + Lycopene + Vitamin E Food Supplement Soft Gel Capsule (Myra Ultimate).

Myra salutes women who are confident in themselves and in their beauty. Walang hiya? More like #GandangWalangHiya. This newest online campaign gathers different stories of Filipinas in their journey to self-care, self-discovery and ultimately, self-love.

What’s your #GandangWalangHiya story? Visit to submit your story and inspire others to be confident in their own skin.


If symptoms persist, consult your doctor. Mahalagang Paalala: Ang Myra Ultimate ay hindi gamot at hindi dapat gamiting pang gamot sa anumang uri ng sakit.


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