RC Cola honors graduates of Kanawan Elementary School

MANILA, Philippines - Public elementary schoolchildren in a rural town of Kanawan in Morong, Bataan, attended their graduation rites made even remarkable with the “service above self” initiatives of kind patrons.

Asiawide Refreshments Corporation, licensed manufacturer and distributor of RC Cola in the Philippines, has long embraced Kanawan as its adoptive community. Together with the Rotary Club of Pag-asa in Quezon City, ARC regularly provides educational materials, school supplies and daily feeding programs to the indigenous children of Kanawan.

ARC once again braved the long mountain hike and crossed the hanging bridge to honor the graduates of Kanawan Elementary School. The grade six students led by their class valedictorian Angelica Arevalo thanked ARC and the Rotary Club of Pag-asa for their steadfast support. 

“ARC and Rotary Club have been helping our community ever since. It is very uplifting that through the generosity of some private sectors, many children of Kanawan are given the chance to finish education,” Arevalo said in her valedictory speech.   Apart from regular school funding, ARC and the club have also demonstrated their commitment to increase access to healthcare through wellness programs intended to the children and grownups of Kanawan. Successful livelihood programs for the locals were also put into place.

One of the event’s highlights was the handing over of a plaque of appreciation to Club president Jess Lim, president-elect Renzie Dizon and charter president Gary Ting with Rotarian Rizza Alfonso by the Department of Education in recognition and appreciation of all the support and gifts given by both ARC and the Rotary Club. A traditional community lunch feast concluded the three-hour Commencement Exercise. Dozens of boxes and cases of RC Cola were served much to the delight of the students, parents and guests.

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