Myla Villanueva: The gloss of success

MANILA, Philippines - Myla Villanueva thrives on challenges. As part of the marketing team of a telecommunications company, Myla says the challenges of her job excite and inspire her to better perform her responsibilities.

“My specialization is marketing. The field of marketing is very dynamic,” adds Myla who finished a marketing course at the De La Salle University.

She furthers that through her job, she meets people from different walks of life and learns a lot from them. “With my job, you always have to adapt to the current trends. I believe the life and soul of marketing is adapting. You cannot be static.”

“My job is very flexible, diverse and encompasses a lot of fields,” says Myla, who started out in a pharmaceutical company but still found her way into the marketing department of a multinational company.

Despite the challenges of her work, Myla values the lessons she learns from the “people I meet.” She says different people contribute different inspirations to her life. “With the people I encounter because of my job, my horizon expands, my maturity level increases,” she says.

With her busy schedule notwithstanding, Myla still makes sure that she has time for her family and herself. She is especially close to her mom, being the youngest child. She also goes to the gym whenever she can.

Since her job entails her to meet clients almost every day, Myla feels the need to always look good. She regularly puts sunblock and finishes her look with a lip gloss. For parties and special events, Myla always goes for the fully made-up look. “I love to experiment with makeup,” she exclaims. Myla loves Ever Bilena’s collection of lipsticks lip glosses. Currently, her must-have is Ever Bilena’s Advance Lighting Lipgloss. She says, “It’s a nice product to have and you can clearly see it when applying.”

To those who want to have a successful career in marketing, Myla says: “Think big! If you have a goal, you have to put your heart into it. If you don’t succeed in the beginning, try and try again. At the end, for sure you’ll learn something. No matter how tough the road may be, stay focused and be determined to achieve what you want to be.”

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