A charity run to save children's lives

MANILA, Philippines - In an ideal world and under perfect circumstances, all our children are born healthy, and they grow up to lead happy, normal lives. Sadly, such is not the case for those who are born with congenital heart defects. These brave yet suffering children endure general weakness, susceptibility to pneumonia, and other respiratory and cardiovascular complications. For most of them, corrective surgery is not just an option — it is literally a matter of life and death.

Thankfully, the Rotary Club of Makati West (RCMW) has been working hard in order to give these frail-hearted kids a second chance at life. Through their Gift of Life (GOL) project, the organization has saved the lives of nearly 120 indigent children born with congenital heart defects. By organizing a network of volunteer organizations and professionals, the RCMW has successfully hurdled the high cost of open heart surgeries, which is way beyond the means of the families of the child beneficiaries. Since the first operation in December 2004, in cooperation with other Rotary Clubs, Western Union, the doctors, nurses, the management of Makati Medical Center, Philippine General Hospital, Philippine Heart Center, Asian Hospital, and Iloilo Doctors Hospital, RMCW’s Gift of Life project continues to be a true blessing for children in desperate need.

At the moment, however, there are still over 1,000 children born with congenital heart disorders who are waitlisted for similar operations in four major hospitals. For this reason, the RCMW will hold a charity event on Sunday, March 15, whereby everyone is invited to “Run For Their Lives” by literally running (or brisk walking) together with their family, friends and colleagues in order to save the life of a child. “Run For Their Lives” is envisioned to attract some 2,500 participants for its three-kilometer and 10-kilometer categories, but with more participants, more lives can be saved. 

(Scheduled from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Fort Bonifacio Global City, this meaningful event is truly a “charity run with a heart.” For more information, please log on to www.gol-runfortheirlives.blogspot.com, e-mail rcmw@pacific.net.ph or call 753-3474 or 753-3098.)

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