A gem called Gina

"What matters most is your inner growth," she says, "because it will help you become a better person, a better mother, a better employer."

Like a diamond before it achieved its stunning brilliance, Gina Lopez underwent experiences that have polished her facets and made her become the gem she is now. At the height of Martial Law, her father, Eugenio Lopez Sr., was put behind bars. Her family was forced to leave the country they loved and relocated to the United States. She went to India, and at some point in her life, even took the vow of poverty.

Several years ago while back in Manila, she saw on TV a small child beaten black and blue by her own mother. Two years after, the child died. The death of the kid gave birth to Bantay Bata 163, a foundation Gina formed seven years ago to protect the welfare and rights of children in the country. After Bantay Bata she founded Bantay Kalikasan, born out of her passion for wanting to have clean air and saving the Philippine watersheds. There’s no stopping Gina from doing her share in making the world a better place to live in for she went on with another project called E media which produces audio-visuals in Science, Math, Technology, History and various more subjects shown in public school classrooms.

"If I don’t constantly pursue my inner growth, how do you think I can manage all these? If you wake up in the morning feeling cranky and grouchy, all the things that you see will be affected – the home, the kids, the household, the employees. I have some 500 people working for me. I manage to hold everyone together, despite their many individualities, because I have a space within myself that is whole," Gina explains. She adds that when a person is whole, he or she can easily connect to others and empower them to do things. Hence, she stresses the importance of continuously working on one’s inner self, with the purpose of seeking and focusing on one’s healing from fears and pains. Simply put: Inner growth is the key to success.

Gina diligently prepares herself for each challenging day. She gets up at 5 a.m., then heads to the shower room. Right after, she goes to her meditation room to do yoga (this explains why she’s so focused, lean, young, radiant and beautiful at the age of 50) for an hour. By 7 p.m., she wakes up her two kids, Roberto, 12, and Benjamin, 8, so they can prepare before she sends them off to school. Her kids, by the way, are not allowed to watch TV on weekdays so they can concentrate more on their studies, sports, and other social activities. When everything in the house is okay, she heads for her office and makes sure she comes home just in time for dinner so she can spend precious time with her family.

"I am a doer just like my dad," she proudly says. "My mom taught me sports and spirituality. I come from a very close, generous, and loving family. There are seven of us siblings and we don’t fight. We often enjoy our own family get-togethers as we take turns hosting meals at each other’s homes. And yes, every year, we still celebrate the birthday and death anniversary of my father."

Talk about her other passions, aside from achieving inner growth, Gina is quick to say: "Things that come free in life." By this she means breathing clean air, being surrounded by happy people, achieving harmonious relationships with the ones around her, feeling God, loving her children, feeling the blessings that abound, making a difference, loving what she’s doing, having a good laugh, dancing, and yes, loving her life.

I was struck by Gina’s sensitivity, humility and selflessness. She seems to be more interested in other people rather than just focusing on herself. To prove this better, try visiting her household helps‘ quarters. The amenities she enjoys in her house are the same amenities her househelp enjoys. Gina believes that since "they make our lives comfortable, they, too, deserve to be comfortable." As such, the staff’s bright, airy and spacious wing with giant TV, DVD, stereo, sala set, dining table, his-and-hers bathrooms, beautifully-tiled floors and high ceiling (utilizing the same materials used in Gina’s abode) at the ground level of her house are testament enough of how caring a soul Gina is. I dare say that Gina’s is the best of all the help’s quarters I’ve ever seen.

Gina Lopez is one rare gem indeed. If I were to liken her to any it would be the queen of all gemstones, the emerald. Like the green translucence of an emerald, Gina just shines through. Like the veins of an ageless emerald, her inner strength reflects underneath her beautiful body. Like the quiet allure of an emerald she sparkles so subtly, and yet one is easily captivated by the depth of her being, the brilliance of her mind and the passion of her soul. (For comments, e-mail me at miladayjewels@yahoo.com)

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