October 6, 2001

The contemplative Pisces moon will have you examining your feelings while forming specific plans in your mind. Don’t be too quick to come up with conclusions while the sun and aggressive Mars challenge your reality. Try writing down your thoughts before sharing them with others. The urge to take action will be strong, so make sure you have plenty of patience.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. It’s the small things that could cause miscommunication today, especially with friends and co-workers. Family, while helpful, can still be disapproving – only opinion that should matter is your own. Fortify your relationship with yourself.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how giving and accepting some folks are toward you now; their positive actions are absolutely genuine. Just be sure to say "thank you" in a gracious and courteous manner! Your social status is rising.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. You complete difficult tasks with persistence and a strong will, so ask around to be sure you’re doing things the easiest and most efficient way. Expert entrepreneurs will make the big sales. Selling your crafts is a way to make extra cash.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
This is a money-making weekend. A second source of income comes from one of your hobbies. Put your romantic aims on the back burner for now. Your willpower will reach its peak this afternoon. Travel, cook and appreciate the arts.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Make sure you can depend on your mate. If you can’t, your love relationship will be an ongoing ride on a roller coaster. Is a friendship with an Aquarius on your mind? Just call him or her! Reorganizing your budget will help your finances.

. Follow the road to bliss, especially if it requires you to learn more. A new-found wisdom will make your brightest wishes come true. Singles will find their dream partners while traveling in November – a Virgo or Pisces is favored. Your business rockets in late November and December. Air out old feelings of negativity with a former mate. Your lucky numbers are: 45, 21, 14, 5 and 33.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Be careful what you say to relatives if you don’t want them to spread your life’s history around town. Delegate chores to others to help you get organized. You are chosen to represent a group at a conference or civic function.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. Your feeling for a friend change. If you have a romantic interest for him or her, it’s best to express it. Listen to both sides of the story regarding a family feud, and stall your decision until next week. Visitors will drop in tonight.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Changes in your wardrobe or home decor will renew your energy. The more responsibilities you take, the more you’ll accomplish. Begin saving money for a trip now. You’ll have plenty of pocket money by the time you leave.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Your friendliness makes people want to bend the rules for you. Riding on the tail of a pal’s success helps you plant the seeds that will get your own ideas off the ground. Don’t assume you know everything about a loved one.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Smart deductive reasoning could save the day. A mild manner makes you popular with new romantic hopefuls. Keep your appearance sharp, even if you aren’t feeling so energetic. The response you get from others is positive.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. A close friend’s interests benefit you indirectly. Be the one to break the ice with new people. You’ll receive money by keeping up with important financial advancements. Tonight’s events reinforce your convictions.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Children will make you proud if you are somewhat strict now. You’ll meet a fantastic love interest through a hobby or sport. You may do something out of guilt, but the outcome is still positive. Believe in those you’ve doubted before.

"My son, husband and father are all born on the ‘cusp,’ although they each have different signs. Is this unusual? What does it mean?"

No one is really in between two signs (the meaning of "cusp"). But since the sun’s transit through the signs differs from year to year, and unless you do the exact natal chart of your cusp relatives, you may not know what sign the sun was in at the very moment they were born. People born close to both signs tends to have a great deal of diversity in their lives. They are versatile. Although scientists are still debating what traits are passed on to our children, by associating with so many relatives born at this in-between time, your family might be more versatile than others. However, this would also make your husband and son a little indecisive. Gemini people are attracted to all signs born on the cusp because they are intrigued with their intelligence and dual nature. Though you didn’t disclose your birthday, I’ll bet you are a Gemini. Is it unusual to have so many "cusp" signs in one family? Yes it is, but this uniqueness probably gives them, and you, a more adventuresome approach to life.

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones are a Libra love team, with both of their birthdays on Sept. 25! He was born in 1944, and she was born in 1969. Although there is a big age difference, they are highly compatible. His moon is in adventurous Sagittarius, and hers is in Pisces – a wonderful moon placement for actors. A new baby is in the stars for this couple before 2003, and this time, I’ll predict a girl!

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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