Horoscope - November 21, 2000

Scorpio sun loves a contemplative mood, even though the Gemini moon puts a little mischief into the mix. Your mental sharpness and ability to solve problems with shortcuts are what keep the action going, inspite of the frequent interruptions. Lady Venus has made her new home in Capricorn, and matters of the heart have more intention than they did last week.

(March 21-April 19). Praising others publicly is good for your image, too. A minor setback is a prelude to huge success. Solid strides toward a financial goal will happen when you act on principles. You have luck for first dates. Just choose the best of the bunch.

(April 20-May 20). There is no good that comes from being too self-judgmental. Be sensitive to the signal a client gives this afternoon and you will be insured for a future business. Build a glamorous wardrobe. You deserve to look great all the time!

(May 21-June 21). The game plan may change without warning. Though it makes you nervous, seize the opportunity to speak at a meeting. Your ideas are worthy. There are many ways to win the heart of that special one. Greet strangers on the street.

(June 22-July 22). Don’t dwell on the negative. Remember that you have a record of positive experiences behind you. Improved communication skills accelerate your self-confidence. Deep down, you want to be a leader. Take a trip to an isolated spot.

(July 23-Aug. 22). You generate more mystery around you. You are an exciting individual, and you also possess a versatile personality. A turning point sets you on a much more direct path to money. Take romance to the next level of commitment and sincerity.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (November 21)
. This year brings work advancement and money acquisitions. Your love life has energy and direction. By late December, many sweeties will have moved in together. Short trips in February will lead to new love for singles. You’ll gain windfalls from luck; make sure to take a close friend’s advice in May. Your best signs for passion are Capricorn or Pisces. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 22, 15, 33 and 7.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your financial security is closer. Continue to vie for new positions at work as it is only a matter of time before you get the one you want. Contact with a competitor improves your business. A partners may be defensive due to pressure.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Use your street smarts to get ahead in even the most refined environments. Give a difficult assignment everything you’ve got. A romance partner catches you off guard this afternoon. Checks are delayed, but only temporarily.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Things could get a little testy on the social front, especially in relationships with women. See that your desire is not leading you into problems, and keep jealousy issues at bay. You have growth opportunities galore.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your colleagues and superiors focus on your achievements. Learn ways to give yourself the love and attention you need. You take on great things when you’ve had enough sleep. Take time out from family to meditate.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Loosen your grip on the reins of control. You learn more from following and listening. Money invested or borrowed may not meet your needs – examine another avenue. Visit an old friend and you’ll run into unexpected and romantic luck.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your talent and artistry are recognized. Legalize documents and tend to business matters or health concerns you have put off for a long time. Love connections are less eventful than you have hoped. Concentrate on your career goals.

(Feb. 19-March 20). Keep your intentions and expectations clear and direct. A new job can be tracked down through a relative. A mate with a different agenda than yours will try to get his/her way, and you could have more fun letting it happen.

"I was born on June 21, 1947, at 4:37 a.m. I thought I was a Gemini and always read the ‘Gemini’ section of your daily horoscope. Now another source says I’m a Cancer. I’ve noticed that different dates for the beginning of each sign vary depending on the astrologer. Why is this, and which sign am I?"

One reason is that the sun enters these signs at a slightly different time each year, sometimes on a different day, which is why it’s necessary for one to have his or her chart calculated personally by an astrologer or a horoscope chart service. According to your date and time of birth (assuming that you were born in the Untied States), you are definitely a Gemini-sun sign. Someone born on the boundary line between two signs is considered to be born on the "cusp," as most people know. To a certain extend, these people seem to be influenced by both signs. Nevertheless, technically one must be one sun sign or the other, not both. By the way, you are entering a highly romantic period when someone surprises you with an unexpected passion, and perhaps spur-of-the-moment travel is involved!

Endearing comedian Jimmy Kimmel is a rising star in Hollywood whose luck this month will take him to new career heights – a co-starring role in a major picture. His appearance in the movie Road Trip was only the start for the host of The Man Show and longtime sports reporter for the radio program The Kevin and Bean Show. Many Scorpio will have opportunities to climb the career ladder in the next three weeks.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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