Horoscope - November 18 (Saturday)

A full Taurus moon will release pent-up feelings, it will also reveal many secrets. It will feel good to tell or know the truth. Taurus lunar vibes want the luxuries of life and make it difficult to resist the temptation to spend extra money for the best material offerings. Our sensuality will be highlighted. Our senses will be heightened to new levels of enjoyment.

(March 21-April 19). You come highly recommended by someone who is important to your career. Your witty dialogue and friendly chatter will show off your intellect. A date who’s drawn to your classy style could become your long-term sweetheart.

(April 20-May 20). Everything will be fuzzy this morning, so make decisions later. You’ll have the opportunity to get professional efforts up to par. A check will be tied up in red tape. Current boundary issues don’t have to upset your life.

(May 21-June 21). Dazzle the world with your ingenuity. Good things will come to those who believe that they are worthy of receiving them. Singles will find love at school or in the office. Before you answer an invitation, calculate the potential expenses.

(June 22-July 22). Future employers will be impressed with your credentials. A love interest accepts your invitation. Consider a change of residence – a better environment promotes domestic harmony and a peaceful temperament.

(July 23-Aug. 22). The unbalanced dynamics in your personal life will begin to level out. Family obligations will take top priority in your life. Instead of acting on a whim and responding to your impulses, ask for the opinion of someone who has been in your shoes.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (November 18)
. This is a year when you’ll meet terrific people. A financial turnaround in the next five weeks will give you a lift. Your actions in December will play a large part in a money deal that will bloom in February, so be particularly mindful. Signs that will help you become more powerful are Leo and Taurus. The best signs for love are Pisces and Aries. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 24, 3, 19 and 8.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your true security will come from genuine self-knowledge. Wrongdoers will be held accountable, which could mean that a settlement will be paid for. You will develop an unusual marketing technique for a pet project.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). This is not the day to goof off. The thought of making sweeping changes will be scary, but really, you have nothing to lose but your own frustration. You will be in control of a love relationship that has been on the rocks for a while.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You will accomplish great results just by setting a good example for others to follow. Shopping trips will be successful. Dates will be impressed by strong beginnings. You should actively seek people who make you laugh.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your spirit of sharing will begin a positive cycle. Far-fetched ideas will turn out to be exactly right. Cultivate friendships with people who are accepting. Financial constraints will not be very limiting as long as you use your imagination.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Priority shifts will help you organize your time. Adversaries will think twice before engaging in competition with you. Love is a pleasant adventure, but keep it light, or your energy will burn out before the relationship does.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Your stamina is high. When you are stuck at the crossroads, just remember the golden rule, and do not expect more than you are willing to give. An old flames wants to be friends – just don’t fall into old patterns again.

(Feb. 19-March 20). You will make progress in areas of publishing, grant-giving and fundraising. They will be enough to encourage further work. You’ll be turning heads as a result of a fitness kick. Your expectations of others could be unreasonable.

"I have been seeing this man for a very long time and would like to know if this relationship is a result of a good match, or have I been wasting 14 years of my life? My birthday is May 25, 1960, and his is June 28, 1960."

After successfully staying together for 14 years, the lessons you have will never be wasted. You are a Gemini with your moon and Mercury in the sign of the twins, as well, making you an excellent communicator with a sure-minded style and an ability to adapt to almost any situation. Your mate is also highly influenced by one sign, with his sun, Mercury and Venus all in Cancer, making him acutely aware of the needs of others and subject to emotional ups and downs. You have Venus in Taurus, creating an energizing aspect to his Cancer-laden chart that keeps him on track when he’s feeling low. Meanwhile, his Leo moon makes an equally energizing aspect to your Gemini influences, allowing for playful interactions and true affections. His Mars in Taurus and your Venus in Taurus is a classic romantic conjunction, but after fourteen years, you must have known something was right.

Scorpio singer K. D. Lang could create political waves in 2001, and make a big difference in the elections to come. Her moon in showstopping Leo says that performing brings her more pleasure than she ever imagined it could. Other influences in her chart will act to push ambitions into areas that will promote equality for all people. Her songs will not only push ambitions into areas that will promote equality for all people. Her songs will not only reach out to the politically conscious, but to all music lovers.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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