Locsin's Twitter locked for tweeting activists are communists who should be shot

Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr.'s Twitter account has been locked after violating the social media site's rules.
Twitter screenshot/Teddy Boy Locsin

MANILA, Philippines — Foreign Affairs Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr., the Philippines' top diplomat and an active Twitter user, might have some of his account features limited as his social media account has

been locked, according to an activist whose group he said should be shot.

Bayan secretary-general Renato Reyes Jr. posted a screenshot of a notification from Twitter Support after reporting Locsin's tweet against the group.


Teddyboy Locsin, DFA secretary, has his Twitter account locked for this offensive and threatening tweet accusing Bayan as communists that deserve to

be shot," Reyes tweeted Monday morning.

Locsin's last tweet was at 6:39 p.m. on Sunday.

A few days ago, the DFA chief reacted to an article where Bayan questioned why the

Balikatan exercises would push through in May despite the termination of the Visiting Forces Agreement with the United States.

"These are fucking Communists. You shoot them. You don't listen to them," Locsin tweeted March 5.

Membership in Bagong Alyansang Makabayan or in activist groups associated with it does not mean membership in or even support for the Communist Party of the Philippines.

Account locked

This tweet, however, is no longer

available as it had violated Twitter rules.

Under Twitter rules: "If a Tweet

was found to be in violation of our rules, and has yet to

be deleted by the person who Tweeted it, we will hide it behind a notice. The account will remain locked until

the Tweet is removed."


an account has been found to have violated Twitter rules, the user can still browse the feed site but will have limited access.

This means that Locsin can still send direct messages to his followers but

will not be able to tweet, retweet or like other tweets.

"Repeat violations of the Twitter Rules may lead to permanent suspension," Twitter said on its Help Center.

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