Long road to sainthood begins for scavenger

Darwin Ramos in a wheelchair with his friends of Our Lady of Guadalupe Center during Tulay ng Kabataan summer camp in 2008.
Darwin Ramos Cause for Canonization via Facebook

MANILA, Philippines — As part of the process of beatification and canonization, the Diocese of Cubao will begin scrutinizing the life of a Filipino scavenger who developed a personal relationship with Christ despite his illness that caused his death at the age of 17.

The CBCPNews said this follows as Darwin Ramos has been declared by the Vatican as a “servant of God” – the preliminary process for sainthood.

Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, made the declaration in Rome last March 29. 

Following the order, the work of the Cubao Diocesan Tribunal for the canonization of Ramos will be initiated by the postulator, French Dominican Fr. Thomas de Gabory.  

Bishop Honesto Ongtioco of Cubao started the process upon the request of The Friends of Darwin Ramos Association.  

“The Vatican has given us the go signal to go deeper (into) his (Ramos) life, how he lived his faith and how he gave witness to Jesus to whom he was very close,” Ongtioco said. 

“Darwin is an example of holiness. Being a street child, afflicted with myopathy, he is closely united with Christ in his suffering and joy,” Ongtioco noted. 

The prelate also said that the Vatican declaration “reminds us that we are invited to give witness to our faith in concrete ways.” 

Based on the CBCPNews report, Ramos spent his early years in the slums of Pasay City. In order to help his family, he became a scavenger in the streets with his younger sister.  

But initial symptoms of what would later be diagnosed as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness, appeared. His sickness progressed and he could no longer stand as his muscles weakened. 

In 2006, after getting acquainted with a group of street educators from Tulan ng Kabataan, Ramos entered one of its centers helping street children.  

Discovering the Catholic faith, he received the sacrament of baptism in the same year and the first communion and the sacrament of confirmation in 2007. 

As the years passed, Ramos’ physical condition deteriorated. Despite this, he uplifted the staff and other children at the center by the way he lived with his illness. 

The bishop said Ramos developed a deep personal relationship with Christ, and not a day passed that the boy did not take time out to entrust himself to Jesus. 

In 2012, Ramos’ condition worsened. He felt pain while breathing and was brought to a hospital.  

But even in these moments of suffering, he continued to maintain a friendly attitude, thanking everyone for helping him. 

Ramos died at the Philippine Children’s Medical Center in Quezon City on Sept. 23, 2012 at the age of 17. 

Declaring Ramos as “servant of God” is the first step towards recognizing him as a saint. The other steps toward sainthood are declarations as venerable and blessed, and finally canonization.

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