Show delicadeza in criticizing Catholic church, Rody urged

BUTUAN CITY, Philippines – A bishop yesterday called on incoming president Rodrigo Duterte to show some delicadeza before criticizing the Catholic Church.

Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos advised Duterte not to be judgmental – he should show humility instead of criticizing the Church for opposing his plan to implement the family planning program under his administration.

Duterte had clarified his plan for a three-child policy per family is purely voluntary.

According to Pueblos, Duterte is not a devout Catholic.

Pueblos said he is familiar with Duterte, who in one incident had worked with him for the release of hostages taken by the communist New People’s Army.

Pueblos himself figured in controversy when he allegedly asked for a luxury vehicle from former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as a birthday gift.

Pueblos claimed he was only asking for a workable vehicle to bring him to hinterland areas in the Diocese of Butuan.

Duterte mentioned Pueblos as among the Church officials asking favors from the government.

Duterte had slammed the Catholic Church for supposedly attempting to erode public support for him before the May 9 elections.

He said some bishops crossed the line when they campaigned against him. He chided them for allegedly seeking favors while criticizing immorality.


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