21 cops in Maguindanao massacre case dismissed

MANILA, Philippines – Six years after being linked to the massacre of journalists and members of a political clan in Maguindanao, 20 policemen – including a provincial director – have been ordered dismissed for grave misconduct and serious neglect of duty by the National Police Commission (Napolcom)

In its decision, Napolcom said the officers stood in “conspiratorial silence” as armed men led by Datu Unsay Ampatuan shot to death the 57 victims including members of the media as well as relatives and supporters of then Vice Mayor Esmael Toto Mangudadatu.

Mangudadatu’s wife, relatives, some supporters and media members were on their way to the provincial capitol in Shariff Aguak on Nov.23, 2009 to file his certificate of candidacy for governor when they were waylaid by Ampatuan’s men. The event has come to be known as the Maguindanao massacre.

“All of the members of the 1508th Provincial Mobile Group chose to become silent spectators to a crime unfolding before their eyes. Their inaction manifests complicity and unity of action to those who committed the abduction, and later, the murders,” said the Napolcom.

Dismissed from the service were Supt. Abusama Mundas Maguid, Chief Insp. Zukarno Adil Dicay, Insp. Rex Ariel Tabao Diongon, Insp. Michael Joy Ines Macaraeg, SPO2 Badawi  Piang Bakal, SP01 Edurdo Hermo Ong, P03 Rashid Tolentino Anton, PO3 Felix Escala Enate, P03 Abidudin Sambuay Abdulgani, P03 Hamad Michael Nana, P02 Saudiar Ubo Ulah, P02 Saudi Pompong Pasutan, P01 Herich Manisi Amaba, PO1 Michael Juanitas Madsig,P01 Abdullah Samma Baguadatu, P01 Pia Sulay Kamidon, P01 Esperileto Giano Lejarso, P01 Esmael Manuel Guialal, P01 Narkou Duloan Mascu and P01 Rainer Tan Ebus. Another police officer – Insp. Saudi Matabalo Mokamad – was dismissed from the service for serious neglect of duty.

At the time, Supt Maguid  was the acting Maguindanao provincial director while Chief Insp. Dicay was his deputy.

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