Philippines - Japan defense equipment pact under negotiation

MANILA, Philippines – The agreement that will allow Japan to supply military equipment to the Philippines is still being negotiated. 

Yasuhisa Kawamura, Japanese Press Secretary and spokesman for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, said Wednesday that the agreement would also cover transfer of technology.

“The agreement is a basic requirement,” Kawamura told reporters.

Deputy Press Secretary Koichi Mizushima earlier said Japan needs a legal arrangement with the Philippines before Tokyo can export defense equipment to Manila.

“The two countries agreed to launch negotiations when President Aquino visited Japan. We are working very hard to follow up and we are still working hard to do the homework and so we will see. I’m not sure but we work hard,” Mizushima said.

“The government has strict rules to export defense equipment and so in order for us to export or share technology with other countries, we need to have legal arrangement beforehand,” he said.

Japan has similar agreements with other countries.

He explained Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) is used for financing development of infrastructure but not defense-related projects.

Kawamura, on the other hand, said Japan is now ready to receive Filipino household workers.

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