Binay wants separate Department of Transportation

Vice President Jejomar Binay

MANILA, Philippines - Vice President Jejomar Binay is pushing for a separate Department of Transportation to improve the management of transport-related issues, particularly traffic.

The government’s transportation concerns are currently under the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC).

“The part of communications should be removed. It should be just the department of transportation, and then we will put (communications) in another department,” Binay said in an interview over TV5’s “Reaksyon” on Thursday.

Binay earlier voice support for the creation of a department for information and communications technology to effectively address the challenges and opportunities presented by advances in technology.

The Vice President has criticized the DOTC for failing to address the traffic situation in Metro Manila as well as the problems in the mass transport system, particularly the Metro Rail Transit.

Pressed for specific plans to address the traffic situation, Binay said people with executive ability should be appointed to handle the problem.

“Someone who knows how to handle people, how to plan, and how to implement these plans,” he said.

He had said he would not appoint politicians to Cabinet positions.

“What is important (is to appoint someone) who can implement the plans. Someone with executive ability, a manager or an administrator,” he added.

He said he has yet to decide who to appoint as DOTC secretary should he win the presidential elections next year.

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