AFP says Chinese reclamation halt will ease tension

After China announced reclamation halt, the Armed Forces of the Philippines welcomed the statement and considered it a good news. File Photo

MANILA, Philippines – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Thursday considered China’s statements claiming that it has stopped reclamation in the South China Sea as good news, adding that it can ease tension in the region.

AFP public affairs office chief Col. Noel Detoyato said that the development announced by China, if verified and found to be true, will greatly ease tension among the claimant countries.

“It can ease tension so it is good for everybody,” Detoyato said. “That's good news for all Filipinos, if that is really true, then the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) will be giving us some updates on the matter,” he added.

AFP said, however, that it has yet to verify this information and said that they were waiting for the DFA updates regarding the statement.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the statement at the sidelines of the ongoing ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Kuala, Lumpur Malaysia.

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