Platoon leader in Mamasapano clash given military honors

2Lt. Jeymark Mateo, platoon leader of the 61st Division Reconnaissance Company, received the Gold Cross Medal during the celebration of the Army’s 118th anniversary in Fort Bonifacio.

MANILA, Philippines - The leader of the military platoon that extricated the fallen and wounded police commandos in Mamasapano was awarded the third highest military honor on Monday amid allegations that the Army’s assistance came in too late.

2Lt. Jeymark Mateo, platoon leader of the 61st Division Reconnaissance Company, received the Gold Cross Medal during the celebration of the Army’s 118th anniversary in Fort Bonifacio.

Mateo, a member of Philippine Military Academy class 2013, was cited for reinforcing the 84th Special Action Company (SAC) that was heavily under fire by Muslim rebels last Jan. 25.

Mateo’s platoon was credited for the successful retrieval of eight dead, 11 wounded and 18 unharmed members of the Special Action Force (SAF).

The conferment of award came amid persistent notions that the military had failed to provide timely assistance to the SAF troopers who were pinned down by the combined forces of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) and private armed groups.

Mateo, however, parried the criticisms, saying he and his men are glad that they were able to save lives.

“They (critics) have their opinions. What is important is we were able to perform our duty. We are happy that we were able to help those in need,” the young lieutenant said.

When the members of the 84th SAC thanked us, we were very happy. They said they won’t be able to be with their families anymore if not for us,” he added.

Despite the finger-pointing on who should be blamed for the bloody Mamasapano clash, military leaders maintained that Mateo is deserving of the award. 

“If they (SAF troopers) were not extricated, we won’t be talking about SAF 44. We’d be talking about SAF 72. If they were not extricated, they would have been walloped. We were able to save 28 lives because of that operation,” Armed Forces chief Gen. Gregorio Catapang Jr. said in a chance interview.

“I hope the public will understand what really happened,” he added.

Army chief Lt. Gen. Hernando Iriberri said Mateo’s award should not be linked with the intrigues surrounding the clash.

“An award is given to recognize an act, and action, and dedication to duty, regardless of whatever situation he did that so let us not put anything malice to that,” Iriberri said.

When asked whether he thinks that a timely military response would have saved the lives of all SAF troopers, Iriberri said: “As I said, it’s already part of the investigation. The results have been released. Let us just stick to that.”

Missing SAF firearms

Meanwhile, Mateo disputed allegations that some of the firearms of the slain SAF members that were entrusted to the Army got into the hands of the MILF.

“My troops cannot do that. In fact, before they (SAF) left the area, they left one of the guns under the tree. My troops picked it up and returned it to them,” he said.

The Board of Inquiry (BOI) that probed the clash has released a report containing the statement of 84th Special Action Company member PO2 Rommel Magno, who claimed to have turned over his rifle to the Army’s Division Reconnaissance Company (DRC).

Magno, who was seriously injured, allegedly handed his rifle as well as those of his dead comrades to a member of the DRC.

“When Magno's rifle was returned, its GL M203 grenade launcher was missing,” the report read.

Magno’s rifle, the BOI report said, was among the firearms turned over by the MILF ceasefire panel to its government counterpart.

“This meant that the firearms got into the hands of Moro rebels when it should have been under the protection of the AFP (Armed Forces of the Philippines) troops,” the report read.

The BOI findings were released amid reports that the 16 Special Action Force (SAF) firearms returned by the MILF last month have been cannibalized.

A total of 64 SAF firearms were lost during the Mamasapano clash.

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