Ex-STAR executive editor Bobby de la Cruz writes ‘30’

De la Cruz

MANILA, Philippines - Bobby de la Cruz, former executive editor of The Philippine STAR, died yesterday after a lingering illness. He was 76.

De la Cruz was one of the original founding editors of The STAR when it started in July 1986 until he retired in January 2002. He was appointed to the board of directors of then sequestered Philippine Journalists Inc. (PJI), the publication company of People’s Journal.  

He was appointed by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as one of the fiscal agents for the government in the PJI until December 2004, when the Supreme Court upheld with finality the return of the sequestered publication to the Romualdez family as its original owners.

Prior to joining The Star, De la Cruz worked as a public information officer at the US embassy in Manila.

Until his demise, he was an active member of Plaridel, an association of retired and working media members that provides educational assistance for children of journalists, among other endeavors.

Known for his wit and humor, De la Cruz was a regular habitué of coffee shop groups like Tuesday Club at EDSA Shangri-La in Ortigas Center and the 365 Club at the Intercontinental Hotel in Makati City.

De la Cruz is survived by his wife Eleonor and five children. His remains will lie in state at Loyola Guadalupe along Edsa. Burial details will be announced later.

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