‘DOH chief went against WHO recommendations’

MANILA, Philippines - Health Secretary-on-leave Enrique Ona went against recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) in approving a questionable procurement of vaccines by his department in 2012.

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said yesterday this was highlighted in the initial report of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) of its ongoing probe into the controversial procurement of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine 10 (PCV 10), a vaccine for pulmonary diseases for children.

“That’s what I know. That’s in the initial report of the NBI because they already have an initial report,” she bared.

De Lima issued this statement following reports that the WHO did not make any recommendation for the more cost effective PCV 13, which she also revealed earlier.

“Whatever I said earlier, that was what I knew based on facts, based on the referral that I forwarded to the NBI,” she explained.

De Lima, who has administrative supervision over the NBI, also bared that officials involved in the PCV 10 procurement project have been summoned by probers.

The investigation stemmed from complaints received by the Office of the President last June from stakeholders who claimed that DOH officials approved the procurement of PCV 10 in 2012 despite recommendations from the National Center for Pharmaceutical Access and Management, Formulary Executive Council and the WHO that PCV13 was more suitable and cost effective.

PCV 13 covers more diseases as compared to PCV 10, which has limited coverage.

The Bids and Awards Committee was reportedly prepared to procure PCV 13, but Health Assistant Secretary Eric Tayag “all of a sudden, as alleged, ordered the procurement of PCV 10.”

Ona also issued the certificate of exemption, a requirement for the procurement.

Ona reportedly earned the ire of President Aquino over several other issues, including Ona’s P600-million request for the rehabilitation and renovation of the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine; alleged special requests like the possible turnover of a high-end P3-million Toyota Land Cruiser for him and an undersecretary, along with a utility Toyota Hilux; the inauguration of a medical facility in northern Luzon that President Aquino cancelled at the last minute; and the proposed P1-billion rehabilitation of state-run Dr. Jose Fabella Memorial Hospital.

Ona is currently on a month-long leave supposedly due to allergic reaction to hair dye. But sources said he is on his way out of the Cabinet.


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