China seeks ‘constructive’ tack on sea row

BEIJING – From a tête-à-tête during a tree planting ceremony yesterday, President Aquino and Chinese President Xi Jinping later got the chance to briefly discuss their differences over the West Philippine Sea, with the Chinese leader expressing hope his Philippine counterpart would deal with the matter “in a constructive way” and go back to “previous consensus.”

In a press briefing after his meeting with Xi, Aquino said the Chinese leader also expressed a desire for the Philippines “to go in the same direction as China” in addressing issues and to “create conditions for the healthy development” of bilateral relations.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders took part in the tree-planting ceremony held at the Summer Garden inside the International Convention Center in Yanqi Lake yesterday.

Official photographs and video showed the two smiling as they talked alongside Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Aquino was in a suit with a maroon necktie while Xi and Abbott were in overcoats because of the chilly weather. The two looked comfortable with each other. Xi would later meet with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“And I said we are looking for constructive ways. I emphasized our primary function, and we presumed their government’s primary function, is to improve their people’s lot or lot in life... I emphasized that in any dispute, any conflict does not enhance our ability to concentrate on improving the lot of our people, so there is an agreement on that,” Aquino said.

The President said that while the meeting lasted for only about 10 minutes, it could be considered extensive and fruitful.

“But of course, we were there out in the open. He wore his coat... it’s a little colder than Baguio...We were on our way to the next function. We had two more meetings,” Aquino said.

“We are very happy in the sense that it’s the first time that we’ve had – well, number one – direct contact with them after I met with (former) President Hu Jintao previously. So it’s a nice opening. Hopefully, it will lead to something concrete,” the President said.

Aquino, however, said they did not specifically talk about the arbitration filed by Manila with the United Nations. But he said he did invite Xi to visit the Philippines and support Manila’s hosting of APEC next year.

“As you know, the whole of the APEC activities is a year-round event, so my last interaction with everybody was to ask for everybody’s support for the success of our hosting of APEC next year,” Aquino said.

Reports, meanwhile, described the meeting between Abe and Xi as an icebreaker since the two leaders had not talked since the escalation of tensions between the two countries over the Senkaku or Daioyu islands two years ago.

Abe and Xi looked awkward in photos because of the expression on their faces as well as the way they shook hands.

The West Philippine Sea issue has soured relations between Manila and Beijing. Nevertheless, Aquino has said the differences should not define the two countries’ years of cordial ties.

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