OFW saved from beheading in Saudi arrives home

MANILA, Philippines - An overseas Filipino worker (OFW) who was saved from death by beheading in Saudi Arabia arrived in Manila on Thursday.

Dante Altizo, who was sentenced to death by beheading in 2008 after killing his roommate in a scuffle, paid a courtesy visit to Vice President Jejomar Binay yesterday.

Altizo thanked the vice president and the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) for the assistance he received from the government throughout the course of his case.

Binay reassured OFWs facing various charges abroad that the government will continue to monitor their cases and strive to secure their freedom.

Binay told Altizo that he will receive benefits from the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration and he can avail of the government’s reintegration package for returning OFWs.

The victim’s heirs initially asked for 600,000 Saudi rials or P7.1 million in blood money.

However, during the final hearing on September 25, 2012, Judge Al Motairi appealed to the victim’s heirs to lower the amount to 400,000 or about P4.8 million to which they agreed.

On April 7, 2014, Altizo together with representatives from the Philippine Consulate, attended the final settlement of the case at the Al Baha General Court in Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia.

Judge Faris Al-Harithy revealed an Arab sheikh, who wished to remain anonymous, paid Altizo’s blood money.

On April 15, Al-Harithy informed the consulate’s representatives that the court will issue an order to free Altizo from prison.

He added Altizo, who converted to the Islamic faith, may be repatriated to the Philippines or remain in Saudi Arabia.


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